
Tips for a Clean Office

May 17, 2018

Tips for a Clean Office

Whether or not you are aware, you are being judged by the cleanliness of your workplace.  It may be that coworkers are judging the condition of your personal office, or clients are evaluating your business by the state of your offices – a clean office signifies diligence, efficiency, and hard work.  Additionally, a clean office is a productive office as a well-organized work space is easier to navigate in addition to the impact of regular sanitation on improved health among…

Outsourcing Office Cleaning Services

April 20, 2018

Why Hire Professional Cleaners for your Business?

Regular office cleaning offers many benefits.  Not only does a clean office promote efficiency and productivity, but it ensures the health and safety of your employees while also providing your customers with a great impression of your business.  That being said, commercial cleaning is a highly specialized industry that requires industry expertise relating to cleaning practices, equipment, and even scheduling.  Many business owners prefer to outsource their office cleaning services, but why? You may not realize it but outsourcing cleaning…

What is Office Cleaning Maintenance?

March 22, 2018

What is Office Cleaning Maintenance?

What is Office Cleaning Maintenance? Commercial cleaning service represent a diverse array of office maintenance tasks, but since every company has its own unique maintenance needs it can be difficult to clearly define office cleaning maintenance.  Imagine operating a small business from a home office and consider cleaning needs compared to major city office building – clearly maintenance tasks are not going to be the same.  So, if you’re curious to know more about professional commercial cleaning, you might start…

Hiring an Office Cleaning Company

February 23, 2018

Hiring an Office Cleaning Company

Hiring an Office Cleaning Company Whether you are a new business looking to contract cleaning staff, or you have an existing company and you don’t want to handle the day-to-day management of cleaning duties anymore, hiring an office cleaning company can seem an arduous task.  Fear not!  The keys to hiring a great office cleaning company are not so different than hiring quality contractors from any discipline.  A little research and review up front will help you hire an office…

Commercial Cleaning Etiquette

January 23, 2018

Office Cleaning Etiquette

The commercial cleaning industry is one that many of us take for granted.  We enter offices and retail spaces and we spend little time (if any) considering how these spaces get clean.  The commercial cleaning industry is everywhere at the same time it is nowhere.  These cleaning services seem to be completed silently, even when we are witness to the services provided we rarely pay attention to the routines.  It’s interesting when you really start to consider those industries that…