
The Value of Quality Assurance in Janitorial Services

September 18, 2019

The Value of Quality Assurance in Janitorial Services

Quality assurance programs exist to ensure the quality of a service or product that is delivered to a customer.  Quality assurance programs require a comprehensive approach to maintaining quality in each stage of production or service delivery.  When it comes to janitorial services, quality assurance programs are just as important as in any service industry.  Especially when you are outsourcing your cleaning services to a professional janitorial company, you’ll want to know more about their quality assurance program.  Ultimately, your…

Why Hire a Professional Office Cleaning Company?

August 29, 2019

Why Hire a Professional Office Cleaning Company

How dirty can an office really be?  As a business owner, you may think that you can rely on your employees to maintain a tidy work environment.  But what about shared spaces such as break rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms?  Well, maybe you’re considering hiring in-house staff to maintain these areas.  While these are certainly viable solutions, they overlook the importance and value of working with professional cleaners for maintaining your office.  So, to that end, let’s discuss why you should…

Restroom Cleaning Checklist

July 15, 2019


The cleanliness of your company bathroom has a significant impact on the health and safety of your staff, not to mention the impression you make on current and potential customers.  If your restroom lacks basic amenities and appears unclean, you will be judged by your customers and your staff will be frustrated.  In fact, even minor oversights in restroom cleanliness can leave people unimpressed – sticky floors, unflushed toilets, and overfilled waste bins can contribute to negative associations with your…

Hiring an Office Cleaning Company in Vancouver

June 20, 2019

Restroom Cleaning Checklist

When it comes to office cleaning services, business owners typically follow one of two paths.  Either they hire and manage in-house cleaning staff or they outsource their cleaning services to a professional office cleaning company.  While there are pros and cons of each of these options, the fact of the matter is regular maintenance and cleaning of an office space is an integral part of running a successful business.  Not only does a well-maintained and clean office tell your staff…

Budgeting for Commercial Cleaning Services

May 23, 2019

Budgeting for Commercial Cleaning Services

Operating costs are obviously at the forefront of any business owner’s mind.  Whatever you spend on running the business is money coming out of the business, so you want to spend wisely.  So, when it comes to budgeting for commercial cleaning services, a lot of managers and owners are looking for ways to cut costs while maintaining cleanliness.  At the end of the day, what’s right for you and your business is the best way to develop a budget for…